
‘You can’t get blood out of a stone’

Reported by Pottsy

Published on Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023


‘You can’t get blood out of a stone’

Written by Pottsy

Published on Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023

Well we’re struggling here with the electric. 

When it went up on the first of April, ‘round about that time, I put a whacking bit on it, a hundred odd quid. The prices hadn’t gone up yet – the day after I’d have had less time on my meter. So I put that in. 

After that it’s off as soon as you put it on. We’re forever at the shop putting money on it. 

We’re on higher rates anyway cause I’m on a card meter. So you’re on a higher tariff on a card meter or a key meter, which is completely ridiculous because most people on card and key meters are the poorest ones. 

Shouldn’t it be less. They put you on a bigger tariff because you’re pay as you go. Which is ridiculous. I can only afford pay as you go, you know? 

If I get a whacking bill at the end of the month, I’m like, I can’t afford it. What do we do then?

My mam came the other day. She’s on benefits ‘cause she had cancer. She has lots of ailments anyway. So me dad was her carer and stuff, he’s just turned pension age now though. And they’ve put her electric bill up. And I think for double. 

So I got on the phone to the electric supplier and said, listen, you’re not allowed to put it up double. She’s on benefits. You’re not allowed to put it up at the minute. 

Anybody who’s on benefits, they’re not allowed to increase the energy prices on them I think until April 2023. Well this guy’s gone, ‘We’re not in that scheme’. I said, ‘All of you are mate, you can’t just pick and choose!’

My rent went up by a hundred quid, not long ago. My brother, I think he was paying £550, it’s gone up to £700 or something now. £700 a month. What do they want him to do? Just work, work, work. Work to live in the house. He’s never going to see the house because he’s always at work. He’s paying for a place he’s not even staying in. 

If these people in the past couldn’t afford the bills in the first place. How are they gonna afford double or triple? You can’t get blood out of a stone. 

Do these people not realise that or not?

Written by Pottsy

This is me, Pottsy. I started work at 14 and am a qualified cobbler, locksmith, shoe repairer, key cutter🔑, alterations, I can cook, clean, I've done chef 👨‍🍳 work at the Rainforest Cafe that used to be in the Trafford Centre, I can build, bricklay, plaster, woodwork, gardening, I've worked alongside Probation services, I've also been on probation too. I've been to prison, I've also set up groups to help those in prison or being released from prison and to help their struggling families too. I've also worked alongside Shelter and many other organisations, I've also setup many projects and organisations or at least been a part of it in some way or another, Whilst running my own project "Saving People Shelter Project" I've manned the phones 📱 📲 ☎️ 24/7 365 days a year which I still do to this very day, trying to help those in need that our own local authority have and are failing, I've cooked for 20 vulnerable adults that were residents at the shelters I and my friends created out of nothingness. I'm in 2 books 📚 one called "No Fixed Abode: Life and Death Among the UK's Forgotten Homeless" by Maeve Mcclenaghan and another one called "Down and Out : Surviving the Homelessness Crisis" by Daniel Lavelle. I'm also writing ✍️ my own book, which will be published. No one knows what struggles an individual has had to overcome, which is the reason to speak and treat people with equal respect, but guess what I made it I'm still here and I'm 10 times stronger 💪 then I was before and each day that goes by I become more stronger 💪 but I have compassion, love ❤️, respect, honesty, I'm not judgemental, I give second chances, third chances and so on because we all need them, none of us are perfect. I went down the rabbit 🕳 hole but I do now know how to climb out of that dark hole 🕳 and stay out of it, I survived and now I'm here to teach you how to do the same ❤️ Peace Love & Unity 🤝 ✌️

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